Sunday, October 26, 2014

Confessions of a Teenage Drama-Free.

       I admit, a lot of the time I am a typical teenaged girl who vents about MY problems, when honestly the people I'm venting to could be having a way worse time than I am. Whether it be about the "stress-level" I have, or because of what someone did to offend me.. I'm guilty of doing so. Here's the thing though, if we didn't focus so much on OUR problems, and OUR mistakes. We could see more clearly the GRACE of God, and how his son died for ALL our failures! Not just one of them, not just 99. Every. Single. One. From the moment you took your first breath, to the moment you'll take your last.
      What I've come to find though is the more I get caught up in my circumstances instead of realizing how great our God is, the more my life seems to crumble. Everything may appear perfect from the outside, but on the inside there's just a hole that nothing but God can fill. That's because it literally is a God-shaped hole. I know.. you've heard that phrase before and you're probably thinking "That's so cheesy, and so over-used" It is a Biblical term, it's not just something a human came up with to help them feel better about their situation. There are many scriptures that inspired this quote actually, most likely.
   The NASB translation of John 7:38 reads ''He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, 'From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.'' The word "innermost being" is the Greek koilos, meaning hole or empty place. In John 7, Jesus is describing a spiritual empty place in the heart of man. This empty place is the source of thirst and the divine solution to this hunger/thirst is to fill it with living water from the Holy Spirit. C.S. Lewis also has a great idea on the why's of this matter. 

       Since we are a Soul, and not a body. The soul is something that needs to be filled, and the only thing that can truly satisfy the soul is the creator, God. We can't live without him, so why do we try? It seems that when we first have problems we tell our friends, or go to social media to rant/ask advice about it. A friend shared with me a neat quote the other day though. She said "Go to the throne, not your phone." Which is exactly what we should be doing to begin with! Technology can be a great thing, but it can also be detrimental to our relationship with Christ. Why? These "5 minutes" we spend scrolling through Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest etc. usually turn into 30 minutes sometimes hours. We check them constantly. When we wake up, before we go to sleep, in between classes, at break at work.. constantly! THEN it gets to the end of the day, and we say, "I don't have time to talk to God right now. I have too much to do." Haha that's funny, because most of us just spent probably a total of 3 or more hours that whole day on social media but we couldn't have spent 5 minutes with God. Trust me, I'm definitely guilty of this myself. 
     Then I found this quote. How completely true is this. When this happens, we usually waste time either trying to fall asleep or just stay up by getting on social media.. AGAIN. When in reality, have you ever thought that maybe this is why you can't sleep?! God is merely saying you didn't have time before, but "Now you have time my child. Talk to me, tell me about your day, tell me about what's bothering you. Because I always listen, and I truly do love and care about you."