Friday, August 22, 2014

"Talking" is DUMB.

Normally my blogs are much different format that this, but this is some serious business that needs to be addressed like NOW.

1.) Whatever this "talking" crap is my generation came up with needs to die. If you want to date someone, date them. Like that's what Dating is for. Getting to know someone. Seeing if their soul is the same as yours..or is completely different, and you just need to run away as fast as you can.

2.) Don't EVER stop telling the person you're pursuing that you're interested in them. Ever. It should go past the first two weeks after meeting them. It should go on after y'all have been dating 1 month, 6 months, or even years. Even after you're engaged, AND married!

3.) If you don't abide by number 2, you'll probably find yourself dumped sooner or later. Why should that person give you their heart, if you can't give them a little reassurance every now and then? Exactly, they shouldn't.

4.) If you're "talking" (ugh) to multiple people you may romantically be interested in, STOP. You're obviously not interested if you're talking to more than just one. Save the heartbreak and either talk to one of them or none at all. Grow up, and realize you're putting more than just your heart on the line. You're putting another one of God's beautiful creations on the line as well. You're probably the reason Taylor Swift wrote that song. If one in particular comes to mind, sorry. T-Swift convicted you and she didn't even try.

"So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin." -James 4:17

5.) Women Crush Wednesday and Man Crush Monday-    EW. You've seen the posts. It'll be the same account posting the same crush every week. Or it's another account that posts a different crush every week. Either way, I don't think it should be happening. We should not have to post our love lives on social media for it to become or seem real. The relationship you have or don't have should be strictly between the two of you, and the Lord of course. It's a triangle, with three points. Not a line that keeps going forever and ever. Your #MCM or #WCW should be your MCE and WCE (everyday) and you shouldn't have to post about it for it to be genuine.

6.) If you sense that you're not the only one that the significant other is "talking" to or "going out with" you're probably right. It'll only get worse from here. Talk it out, or be prepared to never know the answer. Which by the way, you deserve the truth. You are worth the truth, so go out and get it.

"And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." -John 8:32

7.) If a person won't give you the time of day to FaceTime or talk on the phone instead of just text, or you're always the one to ask to hang out.. they probably could care less if the "friendship" or whatever type of relationship y'all may have just ceased to exist. You WILL make time for things that you care about. No matter how busy your life is, you CAN make time for it. Otherwise that thing trying to make time with you, might just decide it's not worth it anymore. You're not worth it anymore.

Is commitment just overrated now a days? The funny thing is the young men AND women who are causing this are the ones who want to settle down one day with the love of their life. They can't even settle for one now though. How are they ever going to do it in the future? They won't be able to. Not unless these things change, and they ask God to steer their life through everything. EVEN their love lives.

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